Next Week's Circles
Here are next week’s circles:
Tuesday, Jan. 21 “Visio Divinia”.
Take a look at this picture:
Visio Divina
is the slow, thoughtful contemplation of a picture, photo, work of art, or really anything visual that speaks to you in a deeper way.
Take some time with this picture - let it seep into your mind, or imagination.
For example:
Who draws your interest? Why?
Pick a person and think about having a conversation with them.
What would you ask them?
What do you imagine their life looks like? Etc.
Tuesday’s Circle Registration.
Wednesday, Jan 22. Lament Circle “If Only”
Thursday’s (Jan. 23) Circle “Who changed your life?”
Who changed your life?
For me, it was Dr. Chapman. He taught me calculus and once said, “You know Smith, you’re going to be a good math teacher.”
Come to Thursday’s circle and tell us about someone who changed your life.
Have a good weekend friends.